Monday, August 2, 2010


Hello friends! I have been thinking of starting a blog for the past year now and I am finally here :)

Let me tell you a bit about my family. I married my husband, Mike in 2008. He is the most caring, genuine, and funny person I know. He is my best friend and he the best daddy ever ( let me add he is pretty handy and handsome.)

Here is Mike saying his sweet speech to me on our wedding night, it was very HOT that night as the a/c broke.

Next up is our our sweet and adorable 15 month old son, Hayden. I love this kid with all I have. He is one busy little boy that loves to laugh, dance, explore, and love. He brings us such joy to our lives even though we are seriously sleep deprived! His current favourite things in the world are choo-choo's, trucks and Harley our Golden Retriever.

Harley was our first baby. We got her when she was a wee little puppy. Forgive me as I can't seem to track down and pictures of her puppy days. Harley has such a gentle and loving soul. She is one big suck and loves to receive hugs and cookies. Her world turned a bit upside down when we brought home her little brother. She grew to love him and is now his number one fan. Even though Harley is only 6, her knees and hips are bad and it is starting to show. Of course, it doesn't help that there is a 15 month old constantly climbing on her.

I love my family with all I have. There is no where else I would rather be than home with my peeps and pup. I hope for this blog to be an honest outlook on life as a new mom and newish wife down this little country road. Enjoy :)



  1. Can't wait to read about your adventures!

  2. Thanks Ashley! So glad I finally started this, I have been thinking about it for a while, just couldn't find the time :)
