Sunday, November 13, 2011


Sorry I've been MIA the past month! The only excuse as to why I haven't blogged is that I have been exhausted. Exhaustion will hit you like a ton of bricks when you are growing a human inside your uterus. I guess exhaustion isn't as much as of an excuse than it is a fact of life! So this is what I've been up to these past 9 weeks.

For the 30 days without sugar, I lasted 14 which is longer than I anticipated. I felt great, my skin was clearing up, my belly was less bloated and I wasn't as tired. Then I peed on a stick and saw 2 little lines and it all went downhill from there.

I get really bad "morning" sickness (whoever invented this term is full of BS as it lasts all day) I am sure many women who have been pregnant would agree with me. I tried to be brave and suck it up and deal with the 24 hrs of nausea day after day. But, after a quick visit with my Dr. I had a nice prescription for Diclectin to help slow down the relationship I was building with my toilet.

So, that is what is new in our home. I hope to post a few times/week. I have so much to share, we are still renovating some things in the house and will be tackling a new master suite in the near future, in which I will need a lot of input on. Now, I must go to bed as it is 8pm and already past my bedtime :)