Tuesday, November 23, 2010

It's been a while....

Summer is long gone, which also means so are my holidays.

We have had an amazing Fall filled with friends, family and laughter.

Our little boy keeps growing and growing! It amazes me much has changed in the past year. He can put together words now to form sentences. Nothing huge, but little things like;

"getcha some" - "get you some"
"here y'gou" - "here you go"
"more pweasssssssssse" - "more please"

The hubby and I really need to watch what we are saying as he will repeat everything! He even calls me "Eeesha" if I don't respond to "Mum Mum" within 30 seconds, the boy needs to learn some patience.

I have so much to blog about, now I just need to find the time. I have an exciting new job working with children with Autism, which I am extremely passionate about. I know this will mean working a lot more than I am used to, so I will need to find a good balance between life and work.  We are lucky enough to have H, in a full time day home, so I hope to get as much done as I can while he is playing with his little friends so I can spend more time with him when he is home.

I am also working on rearranging our loft into a home office as I am not partly self employed, I would like to move our bedroom upstairs as well, but that is a project that will last a few months. 

I also hope to post some before/after pics of our kitchen renovation and of course pictures of H! Who can resist those cheeks?