Tuesday, November 23, 2010

It's been a while....

Summer is long gone, which also means so are my holidays.

We have had an amazing Fall filled with friends, family and laughter.

Our little boy keeps growing and growing! It amazes me much has changed in the past year. He can put together words now to form sentences. Nothing huge, but little things like;

"getcha some" - "get you some"
"here y'gou" - "here you go"
"more pweasssssssssse" - "more please"

The hubby and I really need to watch what we are saying as he will repeat everything! He even calls me "Eeesha" if I don't respond to "Mum Mum" within 30 seconds, the boy needs to learn some patience.

I have so much to blog about, now I just need to find the time. I have an exciting new job working with children with Autism, which I am extremely passionate about. I know this will mean working a lot more than I am used to, so I will need to find a good balance between life and work.  We are lucky enough to have H, in a full time day home, so I hope to get as much done as I can while he is playing with his little friends so I can spend more time with him when he is home.

I am also working on rearranging our loft into a home office as I am not partly self employed, I would like to move our bedroom upstairs as well, but that is a project that will last a few months. 

I also hope to post some before/after pics of our kitchen renovation and of course pictures of H! Who can resist those cheeks?

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Cupcakes Took Over

I failed....

Started Day 1, it went ok then we were invited to the in laws for dinner. Am I not going to eat? Wouldn't that just be weird? Of, course my in laws always have dessert and last Wednesday there were cupcakes.  I love cake, especially cupcakes and how could I not pass up on one!

I am still following weight watchers and still losing! 10 lbs to go :) I am still running at least 3 times a week, but I need to firm up. I do want to try the Isagenix again, I think I will do it when I am back at work since I have summer off. It is hard being home with a toddler that just snacks all day.  He takes after me, I love to snack!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Energy Please

I have the opportunity to try a 9 day Isagenix Cleanse so, why not? I know a few people that have tried the 30 day cleanse and have lost weight and claim to have a ton of energy.  I could never do a cleanse for 30 days, not a chance. I love food too much! But, 9 days, I can do this. I still get to eat a sensible meal when I do shake days.

So, I start tomorrow I start Day 1 of my two day cleanse where I drink some water and Cleanse For Life. I am also allowed 6 almonds and a small organic apple. I think the hardest part will not be drinking my morning cup of joe then having a severe headache later in the day from no coffee. I plan to blog every day about how I feel and if I am down any lbs.

I hit a snag with the running this week. It is has just been too darn hot  in the evenings and I also got sick...bla! I plan to start again tomorrow night, I hope I haven't fallen too far behind in the C25K program.

Well, I am off to watch some HGTV and try and find the "before" pictures of our kitchen reno.


Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Hayden took it upon himself to get breakfast this morning. He loves his Cheerios!!  

 "uh oh, mom mom" he says....he is so freaking cute :)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Petite & Lumpy

Lumpy...this is how I have been feeling these days. I am a normal 27 year old woman constantly struggling with my weight. Since having H, my body looks like a road map filled with hills and valley's. But, I love food, especially chocolate in any form and poutine. I acclaim my "I can eat poutine every day for dinner" phase while I was pregnant to gaining close to 50 lbs in 9ish months. Isn't that an obscene number?

 So tiny on our wedding day

When DH and I first found out we were expecting we had been married for a month. I was the tiniest I had been since high school weighing in at 108 lbs. Some may argue that 108 lbs is too tiny, but not for this 4 ft. 11 inch Momma. Yep, I am very short but, I like petite little me. I just wish I was skinny petite little me rather than plumply petite me.

I finally started to do something about this little weight situation! I joined Weight Watchers online and I started running every other night. I would love to do Yoga again, and will do the P90X version of Yoga if I have time, but, I never have time as I have a toddler that is the never ending Energizer bunny. I wish I had his energy! 

 DH and I were in Montreal last week for his work. We had a great time hiking Mont Royal, and just walking around Old Montreal and exploring this beautiful city. The downside: we ate out for almost every meal. We went to some beautiful restaurants with DH's co workers which of course included delicious fruity beverages, great laughs and late night ice cream treats. We are already planning a trip back in the Fall, hopefully to catch a Habs game.

 View of Montreal from somewhere on Mont Royal.
I heart this city :)

When I got home I jumped on the scale and my weight was the same :) It took me a few days to get back into my exercise and tracking regiment, but I am back in it and feeling great! I hope this blog helps me stay true to my new lifestyle so I don't cheat. Does anyone else fall of the bandwagon in terms of eating healthy when they go on vacation? Any tips you can share?

Monday, August 2, 2010


Hello friends! I have been thinking of starting a blog for the past year now and I am finally here :)

Let me tell you a bit about my family. I married my husband, Mike in 2008. He is the most caring, genuine, and funny person I know. He is my best friend and he the best daddy ever ( let me add he is pretty handy and handsome.)

Here is Mike saying his sweet speech to me on our wedding night, it was very HOT that night as the a/c broke.

Next up is our our sweet and adorable 15 month old son, Hayden. I love this kid with all I have. He is one busy little boy that loves to laugh, dance, explore, and love. He brings us such joy to our lives even though we are seriously sleep deprived! His current favourite things in the world are choo-choo's, trucks and Harley our Golden Retriever.

Harley was our first baby. We got her when she was a wee little puppy. Forgive me as I can't seem to track down and pictures of her puppy days. Harley has such a gentle and loving soul. She is one big suck and loves to receive hugs and cookies. Her world turned a bit upside down when we brought home her little brother. She grew to love him and is now his number one fan. Even though Harley is only 6, her knees and hips are bad and it is starting to show. Of course, it doesn't help that there is a 15 month old constantly climbing on her.

I love my family with all I have. There is no where else I would rather be than home with my peeps and pup. I hope for this blog to be an honest outlook on life as a new mom and newish wife down this little country road. Enjoy :)
