Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Energy Please

I have the opportunity to try a 9 day Isagenix Cleanse so, why not? I know a few people that have tried the 30 day cleanse and have lost weight and claim to have a ton of energy.  I could never do a cleanse for 30 days, not a chance. I love food too much! But, 9 days, I can do this. I still get to eat a sensible meal when I do shake days.

So, I start tomorrow I start Day 1 of my two day cleanse where I drink some water and Cleanse For Life. I am also allowed 6 almonds and a small organic apple. I think the hardest part will not be drinking my morning cup of joe then having a severe headache later in the day from no coffee. I plan to blog every day about how I feel and if I am down any lbs.

I hit a snag with the running this week. It is has just been too darn hot  in the evenings and I also got sick...bla! I plan to start again tomorrow night, I hope I haven't fallen too far behind in the C25K program.

Well, I am off to watch some HGTV and try and find the "before" pictures of our kitchen reno.


1 comment:

  1. wow! I'm looking forward to finding out how it is- I've always wanted to do one but am sure I'd end up eating an entire party sized bag of Doritos before the first day was done:)
    Will power is not my forte!
